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Optimize your metal waste disposal at demolition works with Old Metals and Cables. Flexible customised collection options, sustainable transport from point A to B, and a project-oriented approach.

Efficient metal waste treatment for demolition works

Old Metals and Cables understands the crucial role of effective waste management in demolition projects, especially when it comes to metal waste. We offer contractors specialized and flexible metal waste management solutions, keeping your focus on the core business of your demolition projects.

Customized metal waste management

Our services focus on meeting the specific needs of demolition works:

  • Flexible collection options: Monthly, per project or per delivery? We adapt our services to your schedule.

  • From point A to B: We handle the efficient transport of metal waste from your demolition site to our recycling centre, allowing you to concentrate on the successful execution of your demolition works.

  • Project-oriented approach: Our services are fully adaptable to the size and duration of your demolition projects. We understand that every project is unique and requires a customized solution.

Choose your own plan

Old Metals and Cables puts you in charge of the waste disposal plan for your demolition works. Determine the frequency, timing and scale of our service to perfectly suit your project needs.

Sustainable metal waste processing

Besides efficiency, we strive for sustainability in metal waste processing. Through recycling and environmentally conscious practices, we reduce ecological impact and contribute to a circular economy.

Get in touch

Curious about the possibilities for metal waste in your demolition project? Contact Old Metals and Cables for a personalized solution. We are here to optimize your waste management so that you can focus on the successful completion of your demolition works.

Other services for contractors

Recycling consultancy

We advise how to optimise waste streams and maximize metal recycling at your company.

Stapel ijzer

Metal prices continue to rise

Prices for scrap iron have risen a lot recently, which is why it is definitely a good idea to order an OMC container to have it recycled. Contact us to discuss options or request current metal prices.

Contact us for more information!

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