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Recycling consultation


In need of advice to optimize your company’s waste streams?

Schedule an appointment with OMC!


There’s value in your waste

Don’t just throw out anything but first evaluate what can be recycled. Not quite sure where to start? Schedule an appointment with us to take a closer look at all of your company’s waste streams. Together, we can work toward a greener world.

By the end of our visit, you will have a detailed overview of the various waste streams of your business process. This baseline measurement is the start of reducing your ecological footprint! From this point the optimization of waste streams can begin.

Requesting recycling advice




Contact us by mail or phone and request a recycling consultation for your company.


Setting an appointment

We set a date to visit your company site.



We analyse the waste streams and advise how this can be optimised. We review whether items can be recycled.



If metals can be separated, they can be collected by OMC on a fixed basis or on demand. Delivery of a container is also possible.

Old metal collection

Schedule a one-time collection of old metals. Contact us by using the contact form and mark ‘old metal collection’.

100% Recyclable

Did you know that copper and aluminium are 100% renewable metals? They belong to the group of non-ferrous metals.


These metals can be reused in production processes and therefore nothing goes to waste. A clear win-win situation for people and planet!

Contact us for more information!

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